Figures released in March 2019 by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) show that more than 12 million people went to the cinemas in 2013-14.
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), most Australians go to movies at least once during 2017-2018, but it’s the six million library goers who keep going back for more.
“While more Australians go to the movies than any other cultural venue or event, it’s library-goers who are racking up the most visits, with a third of attendees visiting libraries more than 10 times in the 12 month period,” Michelle Ducat, ABS Director of Education, Training and Culture Statistics, said in a media release recently.
“Only 14 percent of movie-goers opted for the big screen this often,” Ducat added.
The ABS found that 91 percent of Australians aged between 18 and 24 attended a cultural event or venue compared to 56 percent of those aged 75 and above.
“We found that people in high-income households had the highest attendance rates at cultural activities, at 93 percent, while those in the lowest income quintile had the lowest attendance rate, at 68 percent,” Ducat said.
Those living with dependent children had an 89 percent attendance rate compared to 79 percent of those in couple-only households and 73 percent of people living alone.
Separate data on creative cultural activities, such as singing, dancing, writing, painting and playing music, revealed a participation rate of 31.4 percent among Australians aged 15 and over compared to 95.6 percent for those aged between five and 14.
2013-14 figures
Overall, 86 per cent of Australians attended at least one cultural venue in 2013-14.
While going to the cinema was a popular activity across all age groups it was more popular with 18-24-year-olds (85 per cent) than with those aged 75 years and over (37 per cent).
Attending classical music concerts was one event where a greater proportion of older people attended: 14 per cent of people aged 65 to 74 years compared with 7 per cent of 18-24-year-olds.
Other popular cultural venues that people attended include botanic gardens (37 per cent), libraries (34 per cent) and zoological parks and aquariums (34 per cent).
There was a drop in the proportion of people attending zoological parks and aquariums from 2009-10 (37 per cent) to 2013-14 (34 per cent), but there was an increase in the proportion of people attending museums, popular music concerts and botanic gardens.